Working With Others

Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating

Bite-size (2 hours) / One day

Have you ever reflected on how much your working day is affected by your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate with others.

Negotiation, persuasion and influencing are fundamental skills that contribute to your impact in the workplace. They have the power to help you build collaborative and productive working relationships with internal stakeholders and colleagues, external suppliers and clients.

This interactive and highly practical workshop will show you how to improve your impact in a variety of different situations with an emphasis on exploring and overcoming blockers, resistance and barriers. You will have an opportunity to test out the tools and techniques you need to help you influence the thinking and behaviour of others.

Who is this suitable for?

Suitable for anyone whose role involves convincing and influencing others.

What we cover

  • Explore the core differences between influencing, persuading and negotiating. Understand the resistance staircase and the impact this has on relationship rapport
  • Learn how to make your case in a way that builds buy-in and engagement from those around you
  • Find out how to handle resistance and pressure and build rapport at the same time, and learn how to use ‘rapport repair’ if necessary
  • Develop your negotiation skills for a successful outcome
  • Understand the importance of preparation, objective setting, and opening positions
  • Learn how to bring about movement for a win-win settlement

Your questions answered

Can this workshop content be tailored to my organisation?

What is the maximum number of delegates I can have on each workshop?

What is the minimum number of delegates I can have on each workshop?

Do you run open workshops where individuals can attend?

Can this workshop be delivered remotely?

Which platform do you use for online workshop sessions?

Can this workshop be delivered in person?

How long is this workshop?

How interactive is the workshop?

Will I need to do any preparation?

Will delegates need to have their cameras on for online training?

Are the workshops compatible across different time zones?

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