Five Steps to Powering Up

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For the first time ever, 360 Training invites individuals as well as businesses to a free one-hour online workshop. Whether you’re the leader of a big team and want some guidance on how to kick-start performance, or are just interested in firing up your own personal superpowers, join us at 4pm on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the fired up you – focused, energised and ready to tackle any challenge with your newly activated superpowers.

In films and comic books, superheroes wield amazing powers to defy gravity, defeat villains and save the universe. Unfortunately, at work we can’t just disappear into a phone box and emerge all-conquering. But we can take first steps to supercharging our performance by identifying and reigniting some critical powers. You might not save the world, but you’ll be ready for anything work can throw at you in these tricky times. To help you power up for the year and whatever it holds we’ve identified these 5 skills we believe can help.


Superpower 1. Purpose / Higher Power

It’s easy to lose purpose in a sometimes confusing and volatile world. So whether your objectives are big or small, long-term strategising or a daily challenge, reassess and refocus on your real-world goals. A superhero in their suit may look the part, but it’s their authenticity, self-belief and unswerving purpose that brings them success. We will help you to revisit your purpose, find your why and help you work out what it is you should be throwing your energy behind.

Superpower 2. Focus / Lazer Focus

Your precious time is always under threat – whether that’s co-workers, digital diversions, or juggling our domestic lives with our careers while working from home. Learn how to set and reach your goals by staying laser-focused and batting away distractions

Superpower 3. Energy / Turbo Boost

Sometimes your energy resources need boosting. Learn how to fill up the tank again with our wellbeing tool kit.

Superpower 4. Stay on track / Force Field

Identify your energy-sapping kryptonite, it could be negative thinking, a lack of confidence, or self-limiting behaviours, office politics, stress or frustration. Learn how to dial up your assertiveness in a way that protects relationships AND gets things done.

Superpower 5. Self-awareness / Inner Steel

However great their superpowers, no hero is invincible. Bouncing back from failure and learning to take their licks is as much a part of the job as the cape and mask. A clear-eyed view of your own weaknesses and strengths is crucial, how else can you master perhaps the greatest superpower of all – turning failure into success?

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